Site URL:
http://foafing-the-music.iua.upf.eduThe Foafing the music is a music recommender system based on user's profile
Based on your FOAF profile and your listening habits, foafing the music recommends the following things:
-similar artists to the ones you like
-new music releases from iTunes, Amazon, Yahoo, etc
-Album reviews from your artists and from recommended artists
-MP3-blogs to download music
-Postcast sessions to stream/download
-Automatic creation of playlist based on (only!) audio similarity
-Incoming concerts near to where you live!
When I create a new account, the system asked for my username or URL of three websites (Livejounal or Bloger,, and Webjay). From these three sites, they grab some music related information from my profiles.
Before I provide the URL of my blog profile page, I inputed "Dance, R&B, Latin" in favorite music and then saved the profile which is save in FOAF (the Friend of a Friend). From the FOAF profile in the blog site, the site get my favorite music information .
The site also request the user ID in site. builds a profile of my musical taste using a plugin for my media player. From this site the system gets noticed of music that I recently played.
At last, the site request the user ID in WebJay which is a tool that helps user listen to and publish web playlists. But currently, this service is closed by
After I finish to create the account, the site took a time to retrieve my profile information from site and site and showed my interests that retrieve from my profile.
The site provides three pages based on the my profile like below
- my artists page contains all the artists detected in my FOAF profile
- my music pages contains all the artists detected from my listening habits (from Audioscrobbler)
- my playlist page contains all the playlists that you have in Webjay (It is not working since the Webjay site is close)
In the artists page , the site showed that artist detected in my FOAF profile is "Dance". It seems the site recognize "Dance" as an artist name and showed one related artist "Shannon", so I added "Michael Jackson", "Elvis Presley" in my favorite music in blogger site and regenerated the my artists information in recommendation site. After that, the site showed that artists detected in my FOAF profile: Dance, Michel Jackson, Elvis Presley and provides following menu:
-related artists
-new releases
-similar music
In the related artists menu, it show more than 30 related artists but I'm not sure what relationship are between them. I guess their music genre(Rock/pop) is same. If I click one of them, the site forward to site and show the artist information.